Sunday, November 30, 2008 Videos in English and Español has produced seven beautiful and informative short videos about the citizehship process. Watch the Scam video above and check out the other videos in English and Spanish below. Brava SaberHacer!
What You Need to Know About Voting
Lo que necesitas saber sobre el voto
Citizenship & Immigration Scams
Fraudes en Ciudadanía e Inmigración
United States Citizenship Process
Pasos para obtener la ciudadanía
What you need to know Benefits of Citizenship
Beneficios de la Ciudadanía
Citizenship classes
Clases de Ciudadanía
Citizenship Interview and Ceremony
Entrevista y ceremonia de juramento
Citizenship- Common Mistakes
Ciudadanía-Errores comunes
SaberHacer on YouTube
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Land of Liberty
Land of Liberty can be customized to include your own Governor, Senators, & Representatives! No additional charge! Click here to find out how!
Friday, November 28, 2008
SFPL: United States Citizenship Resources
Thursday, November 27, 2008
VOANews: Economy May Be Weak, but Thanksgiving Traditions Hold Strong
Phuc reads his Thanksgiving Essay
Economy May Be Weak, but Thanksgiving Traditions Hold Strong
Also: A question from India about American Indians. And music from the new album by James Taylor. Transcript of radio broadcast: 20 November 2008
MP3 - Download (MP3)
MP3 - Listen to (MP3)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This I Believe: Sharing Food with Family
Special Feature: Sharing Food with Family
Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season, with the attendant gatherings of family over food and drink. Regardless of the context, sitting down to share a meal can affirm our connections, our roots and our traditions. Click the links below to partake of these beliefs about food and family.
Rice for Thanksgiving
Doing Things the Slow Way
Remembering the Past at Waffle House
A Home-Cooked Tradition
Finding Acceptance in Macaroni and Cheese
Monday, November 24, 2008
This I Believe: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season, with gatherings of families and friends, and the sharing of food and drink. During the festivities of the coming weeks, we hope you take time to reflect on the beliefs that guide your life, just like these essayists have done.
Family Blessings, by Meghan Guinnee
Joy Beyond Measure, by Linda Balestracci
Hope Dished Out in Plenty, by David Cowen
You Can Go Home Again, by Victoria Higle
Baking by Senses and Memories, by Emily Smith
Click here to read previous Special Features
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008 Update
You can download the mp3s or subscribe to ESLPod's podcasts for free. Here are some recent examples of ESLPod's features:
ESLPod's Blog: Secret Service Handles
The president of the United States has his own special security protection, special police officers who are responsible primarily for protecting the president and the vice president from any danger.
ESLPod's Podcast: ESL Podcast 427 – Planning a Protest
Planning a political protest can be a lot of work. Learn more about it in this episode. Download Podcast
ESLPod's "Variety Show" English Café 164
Topics: Naming Rights; Famous Americans: Cesar Chavez; Why Americans have middle names; future perfect tense; American versus U.S. as an adjective. Download Podcast
ESLPod's Premium Course: Interview Questions Answered This course is for anyone who wants to learn business English and how to communicate better with American business people. Course Price: $24.99. Listen to a free audio sample
Since Thanksgiving is next week, let me suggest one of their most popular podcast:
ESLPodcast 91 - Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful, but for a lot of people, the holiday also means a weekend of eating a lot and watching football...Download Podcast
**Check out USCitizenPod's 06/29/08 post which links ESLPod shows with the different sections of the N-400.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Smithsonian National Museum of American History Reopens Nov. 21!
Come Celebrate with Us! Reopening Festival Nov. 21-23 The Museum will officially reopen to the public after a two-year renovation with a ribbon-cutting ceremony (Friday, Nov. 21, 8:30-10 a.m.).
- Add your photos to our Flickr group and see some of our favorite images
- Follow us on Twitter for live coverage of the reopening events
- Become a fan on Facebook and tell us how we're doing
- Watch our YouTube channel for sneek peeks of new exhibitions and more
NYTimes: America’s Attic, Ready for a Second Act:
When the National Museum of American History reopens, it may begin to shed its reputation as one of the more cramped and confounding corners of the Smithsonian Institution.
- Slide Show: A Museum With a New Look
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Freedom of Assembly
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New Citizen: Xu Shang Xia
Xu Shang Xia was born in Canton, China in 1930. He became a psychology professor and taught in universities in Beijing and Guangzhou. He suffered terribly during the Cultural Revolution, but refused to compromise his intellectual freedom.
Professor Xu and his wife, Yang Baoyu, immigrated to California to help take care of their grandchildren. He and his wife would alternate babysitting duties during the day so that the other could go to ESL class in the morning. In the evening, they would walk over a mile to school to attend citizenship classes. They were diligent and faithful students, true role models to other students and inspiration for their teachers.
On the evening before his Oath Ceremony, Professor Xu and Mrs Yang attended the Citizenship class to talk about their Citizenship interviews. Mrs Yang passed last year, but Professor Xu delayed his inteview for health reasons. They both passed the interview easily because they had made a tremendous effort to study, understand, and practice English and Civics questions and answers.
Most citizenship interviews follow the N-400. The following exchange, however, was a surprise:
Examiner: Have you travelled outside of the United States in the past five years?
Professor: No.
Examiner: Have you travelled outside of the United States during your permanent residence?
Professor: No.
Examiner: If this is true, why do you have so many "stamps" in your (PRC) passport?
Professor: I was a visiting scholar before.
Examiner: What was your field of study?
Professor: I studied psychology.
Examiner: Were you a psychiatrist?
Professor: No, I was not a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a doctor; I was a psychology professor.
Examiner: What schools did you visit?
Professor: University of California at Los Angeles.
Examiner: UCLA?
Professor: Yes.
Examiner: What did you do at UCLA?
Professor: (Universities) exchange teachers. I studied psychology.
The USCIS Examiner seemed satisfied with the answers--he immediately moved to the 96 questions which Professor Xu easily aswered.
I am so proud of Professor Xu because he answered the "surprise" questions clearly and calmly.
- USCIS examiners are not trying to trick people. The USCIS examiner asks more questions to make sure that everyone follows the law.
- Review your N-400 and supporting documents (passport, marriage/divorce certificate, etc).
- Think about what kind of surprise (or embarassing) questions you could be asked.
- Practice these questions and answers.
- Stay calm. Answer each question simply and truthfully.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
CNN: History shines in Washington, D.C.
Saturday, November 15, 2008 Barack Obama
Famous People has many, many biographies, but here are a couple more to check out:
- Aung San Suu Kyi Democrary Leader from Burma
- Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary General from S. Korea
- Cesar Chavez Union Leader from California
- Hillary Rodham Clinton US Senator from New York
- Martin Luther King Civil rights Leader from Georgia
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
VOANews: Change
Election 2008: 'Change We Need' or 'Country First?' 03 November 2008
MP3 - Download
Election 2008: 'At This Defining Moment, Change Has Come to America'
Barack Obama won a historic presidential race, and his Democratic Party increased its majorities in Congress. Now comes acting on the changes he promised. Transcript of radio broadcast: 10 November 2008
MP3 - Download (MP3)
MP3 - Listen to (MP3)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
EASY English Video Series
Here is a list of the first and second series of Easy English:
- The Basics: Alphabet, number, colors, calendar, To be.
- Interactions: Greetings & introductions; Wh?’s, to be, pronouns.
- Feelings: How are you? Small talk.
- At School: People, places and things in a school. More "small talk."
- At Home: Intro to family relationships and a tour of home.
- The Time: Telling time & daily activities.
- Your Community: DMV, Form-Filling, Money & Directions.
- Health Care: The Body, Family Health & Medical Visits.
- Personal Finance:Banking, Budgets & Shopping.
- Around Town: Driving, Housing, Govt. & Phone Skills.
- Education: People, Services & Parent Involvement.
- Employment: Finding, Getting & Keeping a Job.
- Video clip: Where are you from? (from Unit 3)
- Video clip: Job interview (from Unit 12)
- Watch more video clips here.
- Filling out Forms: 7/1:03(DMV), 10/47:08 (Rental Application), 12/15:43 (Job Application)
- Community resources (library, police, city hall) 7/55:15, 10/1:04:48
- Government 10/1:09:47
For further information about the First, Second, a *NEW* Third Series (Hotel Work), visit EASY English.
Congratulations to recently naturalized US Citizen, John Dicker, President of Greenfield Learning and Executive Producer of Easy English, on the release of EASY English 3. KUDOS!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
VOANews: Names Are Read to Mark 25th Anniversary of Vietnam Veterans Wall
Last night, I listened to the VOA's Names Are Read to Mark 25th Anniversary of Vietnam Veterans Wall. All of a sudden I thought, "I wonder what happened to my POW/MIA?".
When I was freshman in high school, the Viet Nam war was coming to the end. A classmate, Molly Olds, who was an "army brat", convinced me, a Catholic "peacenik", to wear a POW/MIA memorial bracelet. The name on my bracelet: Richard R. Perricone. I never knew what happened to this POW, so I "googled" Perricone. There he was on the POW Network--free and alive--living in New York with his wife. Wow! I hope he is in Washington DC this weekend with his fellow vets. I hope he knows peace.
(Update; many people wrote to say Stff Sgt. Richard Perricone is alive and well).
The VOA story also brings to mind one of my students, Nguyen Kiem Long, formerly of the South Viet Nam Air Force and the Milpitas Adult School Senior ESL Class. He is currently in New York attending to family business, and I and his classmates miss him so much. He is a living example of a free and prosperous Viet Nam.
I also honor Do Ngoc Xuan, a farmer forced to flee the South and join the army. After working the night shift, he comes to the Senior ESL class every day in preparation for US Citizenship--the ticket to freedom for his relatives still in Viet Nam. His goal is shared not only by the Vietnamese students at our school, but by the immigrant communty at large.
On Veterans Day, let us remember the US service men and women, and our allied commrade-in-arms, fighting for the freedom of their own country.
More Resources--
- VOAVideo: Last-Known American World War One Veteran
- Soldier Media Center: Paying Tribute
- Proud Members Of Military Become U.S. Citizens
- NYTimes: Video: Women at War
Despite what U.S. policy says, female soldiers are on the front lines. - USCitizenpod Wikispaces: Military
Monday, November 10, 2008
Follow a diverse group of immigrants and refugees as they leave their home and families behind and learn what it means to be new Americans in the 21st century.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
America Is . . .
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Interview
Today we will listen to our twelfth practice interview (plus election prediction) with Chau Hoanh Chieu (Saigon, Vietnam). The questions are based on the N-400. Here's a link to the pdf. of the Basic Interview.
Monday, November 3, 2008
USCitizenPod Voting and Election resources
Here are some voting and election resources:
- New: Practice Electronic Ballot.
- New: USCIS 96/100 Voting and Election (questions and answers)
- New: USCIS 96/100 Voting and Election Quiz (questions--only; plus dictation)
- New: Elected Officials (Who's the current President? Who's the President-elect?)
- Voting Cloze Essay
- Voting Amendments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
N-400 Part 10EFG Quiz