Wednesday, November 12, 2008

EASY English Video Series

Some students need extra help with English in preparation for their Citizenship Interview. One of the very best video resources for basic English is EASY English, available in multiple formats: VCR, DVD, CD-ROM, and broadcast television (PBS, HITN). EASY English videos and workbooks are also availabe through local libraries and Distance Learning programs.

Here is a list of the first and second series of Easy English:

  1. The Basics: Alphabet, number, colors, calendar, To be.
  2. Interactions: Greetings & introductions; Wh?’s, to be, pronouns.
  3. Feelings: How are you? Small talk.
  4. At School: People, places and things in a school. More "small talk."
  5. At Home: Intro to family relationships and a tour of home.
  6. The Time: Telling time & daily activities.
  7. Your Community: DMV, Form-Filling, Money & Directions.
  8. Health Care: The Body, Family Health & Medical Visits.
  9. Personal Finance:Banking, Budgets & Shopping.
  10. Around Town: Driving, Housing, Govt. & Phone Skills.
  11. Education: People, Services & Parent Involvement.
  12. Employment: Finding, Getting & Keeping a Job.
Here are some sample video clips:
Video sections that are very important to Citizenship students include
  • Filling out Forms: 7/1:03(DMV), 10/47:08 (Rental Application), 12/15:43 (Job Application)
  • Community resources (library, police, city hall) 7/55:15, 10/1:04:48
  • Government 10/1:09:47

For further information about the First, Second, a *NEW* Third Series (Hotel Work), visit EASY English.

Congratulations to recently naturalized US Citizen, John Dicker, President of Greenfield Learning and Executive Producer of Easy English, on the release of EASY English 3. KUDOS!

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