Wednesday, June 24, 2009

United We Serve: All For Good

Tuyen, Tam and Mao prepare the table for "I Sign the Constitution"
on Constitution Day, September 17.

Are you looking for ways to give back to your community? All for Good it simple to find and share volunteer activities with friends and family.

Inspired by the call of President Obama to engage more Americans in service, a group of individuals from the technology, marketing and public sectors came together to build an open source application that allows you to find and share volunteer activities. All for Good lets you browse activities and find events based on your location or interests. The site is governed by Our Good Works a nonprofit organization that was formed by some of the people who initiated the project and is the partner site for

Even better - sign in with your primary social network to connect with friends, and discover and share interesting activities. Doing good is more fun together!

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