Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Muwkekma Ohlone: We are still here!

Teacher Jennifer's note: I live in San Jose, home of the Tamian Muwkekma Ohlone. I encourage you to learn more about the Native Americans in your community!

"We Are Muwekma Ohlone" is the title of the mural.
They were once recognized but it got taken away back in the late 1920s.
Charlene Nijmeh, the current chairperson, 
she represents the present, 
and she's doing what she can to help get the tribe 
federally reinstated as a sovereign nation as a Muwekma Ohlone, 
an American Indian tribe recognized by the United States.
Ask the question.
Find out why you didn't know anything about the Ohlone people before.
Just learn.
I'm glad I painted this just to be like a talking point, 
like a starting point to to talk about that.
--Alfonso Salazar 

Learn more the Muwkekma Ohlone of San Jose / Oakland / San Francisco:
Learn more other Native Americans:


  1. USCIS 100:59. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
  2. USCIS 100:87. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.
See also: 
  • A Citizenship Quiz in Honor of the Double Birthday of San Jose, CA mp3 and  pdf

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