Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Pioneer, To Be Honored With Stamp in 2013

USCIS 100:84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?

Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Pioneer, To Be Honored With Stamp in 2013

Fifty-seven years ago this month, Rosa Parks was arrested after refusing to give up her seat at the front of the Cleveland Avenue bus in Montgomery, Alabama. The response to her arrest was a boycott of Montgomery’s bus system that lasted 381 days and thrust a young local pastor, Martin Luther King, Jr., into the spotlight. (read more)

USCIS 100:84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
▪ civil rights (movement)

USCIS 100:85. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?*
▪ fought for civil rights
▪ worked for equality for all Americans

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